11 mei 2017

Voice Dialogue

“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses
who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.

Rainer Maria Rilke

What is Voice Dialogue?

Voice Dialogue is a way to develop yourself and to live the essence of life and to ‘live’ it.
The method lends itself very well to experiencing and releasing deep-rooted fears and recurring negative thoughts.
Voice Dialogue is a powerful (communication) method developed to discover the inner field of tension of our different iks, collectively during a session. Feelings and qualities buried come to the surface and get a place.

In general, we are not aware of the different iks in ourselves. Those are parts in us where we feel uncomfortable, pushing and pushing to the unconscious. Still, these voices continue to work; They often appear in unexpected and “inappropriate” moments. The result of these parts is that they are, but you do not know (more). This happens unconsciously and you are in the grip of those parts.
When you become aware of this, they lose their grip on you and are you in control of yourself. Choices are then made aware and your own boundaries become clear.

Core: The dialogue with ourselves

The core of the method is to make the different parts / voices / iks manifest in someone, let them enter from the inside and invite them to a conversation. It teaches you to converse with yourself and then guide you in getting to know your inner motives and motives better.

I am literally talking to the different sides or voices. This enables you to get to know your inner field of excitement and to better control yourself, including all those iks. Creating space for accomplishing yourself, making choices that are good for you and giving more effective and conscious control to your own actions.

For who ?

For people who suffer from:

– Burn out / overvoltage
– Failure
– Binding anxiety / abandonment anxiety
– Depression
– Traumatic stress
– Perfectionism
– Fear / Fear
– Eating disorders
– Relationship problems
– Imprisonment
– Poor self-image
– Decisionlessness

Via Voice Dialogue, I support and support you to be able to live from your essence.

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Books on Voice Dialogue

Embracing Heaven and Earth | Voice Dialogue , Hal and Sidra Stone
Embracing Each Other: How to Make All Your Relationships Work for You | Hal and Sidra Stone
Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual. Hal and Sidra Stone
Embracing Your Inner Critic: Turning Self-Criticism into a Creative Asset | Hal and Sidra Stone
The Inner Patriarch | Hal and Sidra Stone
The invisible power that women stop | Sidra Stone
Partnering: A New Kind of Relationship | Hal and Sidra Stone
I (k) and my Ick. Discover other sides of yourself with Voice Dialogue, Karin Brugman, Judith Budde, Berry Collewijn
The Energetics of Voice Dialogue, Robert Stamboliev
Recovery of Your Inner Child | Lucia Capacchione